Nyota ya Msanii Project

Hadithi Creatives is a mixed-up writers and visual artist from turkana tribe and refugees from both kakuma and kalobeyei settlement camp. Our contents helps people from kakuma, east africa and africa to have another understanding of art.
We create safe spaces for creatives, girls nd boys implementing their ideas and brainstorm them into art using different mediums. 
Our reach is above-zero and we're using art to reach everyone who may be interested to improve and bring changes in our social and economic lives. 
All of this it because youth especially in Turkana County are not exposed to various artistic activities due to some barriers and mythe associated with the local potential and marketing. 

With the support of Heritage Handcraft for youth affected by conflicts and hunger YACH will launch and implement an one-year project (Nyota ya Msanii/SoS Project) to develop the skills of youth in visual art and give them chances to get empowerment for the growth of their work and give them a space of networking 

Together with Hadithi Creatives our aims is to bring together youth groups from turkana and refugee communities to co-exist and co-create a series of events that will enable them build up their relationships and skills.

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